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Your Vision Comes First

With years of experience, I understand how to work with my patients to ensure they receive the best care possible. My thoughtful and personalized approach means I’m fully committed to the health and well-being of all my patients. Read below to find out about procedures I provide. With an Eye Surgeon like me, you’re in great hands.


The Care You Deserve

For years, patients have depended on me to provide this valuable service. I offer this and other specialized options to anyone in need of a Laser Vision Correction Surgeon or a Cataract Surgeon they can trust. I’m Dr. Richard Nepomuceno of Cataract Manila, and I’m dedicated to building long-lasting relationships based on trust and medical integrity with every single patient.

Eye Test
Cheerful Seniors


Helping You Get Healthy

The eye is like a camera. It has a lens that loses its clarity as you age. When you find it troublesome, it may be time for you to consider advanced cataract surgery  by a seasoned cataract surgeon so you can see better once again.

Through this and other services, I’ve cared for numerous patients throughout my career as a Cataract Surgeon. To me, nothing matters more than your health and comfort, which is why I’ve put in so much time and effort into advancing my medical practice and techniques. Please get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.


Taking Care of You

Changing the shape of the cornea to remove your prescription or "grade" is what this is all about.  Through a holistic approach to Bladeless Lasik  surgery, I try viewing each patient as a whole rather than a single symptom to be treated. This is just one of many procedures I perform when coming up with any diagnosis and treament. Your health deserves proper care and attention and I’m able to provide. Please contact me today to schedule an appointment.

Diving with Fish


No Flap...No Pain

The newest evoltion of the Lasik technology. We use an advanced femtosecond laser to "outline" the corneal tissue we need to remove.  We then gently remove this through a very small incision to change the shape of the cornea and  give you better vision. I am excited to discuss how to help you. 

(PRK & Lasek)

Tried and Tested

This is how we started using excimer lasers to correct vision. We have evolved through the years to get better results and minimize discomfort

We apply the laser directly on the cornea to change the shape and correct your vision. See me for a consultation to see if this could work for you.

Basketball Players
Mountain Biking


When Lasers are Not For You

Some patients are simply beyond laser treatment.  This could be the best option. It's like adding a contact lens inside your eye. Vision is generally sharper as compared to Lasik or other cornea based laser technologies. Schedule a consultation to begin your journey... I'll be with you all the way.


Reading Without Glasses... Again...

As the years go by, reading small print will get more difficult.  Any of the above procedures may be used or combined to reduce or remove your dependence on reading glasses. Imagine using your cellphones or odering from menus or looking at price tags without needing your reading glasses. Let me know how I can help you.

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